Thursday, May 5, 2011

Inconvenient Truth: Senioritis

So! This isn't really something huge that everyone has been debating but it definitely rubs me the wrong way. SENIORITIS= seniors don't want to do anything anymore and have lost all want to work in school.

Alright, it happens, yes, senioritis does hit! But then, the false statements of all the seniors last year screw us over! We definitely DO have work to do senior year and we CAN'T just cruze on by! If you have no academic classes then maybe, just maybeeeee you can see the real beauty of senioritis. This whole year I have been working my but off and complaining about it the whole way through because I am a senior and as a senior I am supposed to get less work than before! Tough luck! I've had same amount if not more work this year, than I had junior year, which is supposed to be the hardest year of high school. So seniors of last year, I'd like to tell you to stop telling lies because senior year is not just a cruze of fun, it requires work and time! Hopefully these last 16 some days of school will finally let me enjoy my senioritis.

Blogging around brahh

Moses Lin: Best of the Week: Prom.
I think this is completely, ridiculously awesome, I love that you got this idea from the do you mind questions because I as well have taken away more from them than I expected. It's nice to be asked questions that we usually would not be asked. Anyways, this idea is great and personal which is probably why it's weird that I'm  commenting on it...but oh well. Great job Moses who knew two simple questions everyday in English would open so many doors! 

Kayvon Vakil: Inconvenient Truth: "Land of the Free."
First of all... FISHIES! That made me interested in your blog, second I completely agree with you! This whole Land of the free is so not true. We are only free on the surface, to the public. When it really comes down to it, we can't do much at all! We can live and make decisions for ourselves but when it actually comes down to something important, we are as chained back as we could ever be. So yea man, I agree with your post! We definitely are not as free as we are said to be. [that rhymed]

Sunday, May 1, 2011

Best of the week: TED presentations.

I spoke in my last entry about how interesting it is to see how differently people view the world; well the TED presentations are just another place where this can be seen.
Everybody chose a topic that was interesting to them that talking about something that would help sustain life from here on into the future... When choosing my topic I knew that I wanted to do something that would be interesting  to me, so right away I went and looked at more artsy/computer things and found Siftables! At first I didn't know how they would help "sustain life," but after pondering about it for a while, I came up with a way.
This week my eyes were opened by how many different things people find interesting. There were presentations on things I would absolutely HATE to write about because it is just not for me... while for the people who were doing that project, that subject was interesting and enlightening.
We are all taught the same things in high school, but then, when it is finally our time to step out and do something with this knowledge, we all choose different paths. Maybe it's pre-destined that someone will work as a doctor, or maybe with computers or even with plants... or maybe we decide our fate by the environment we are surrounded by. Every person's story somehow imprints on their life. Finally out of high school, we get to get a glimpse at this imprint.