Sunday, November 28, 2010

Metacognition- Get organized

I decided that for my organizing project I was going to clean my room. I have had piles of clothes lying all around my room and everything has been in a complete jumble. I had been having problems finding things for the past week as well so it seems like the right thing to organize.

Before I started I definitely was not excited. Having to get up and actually do something seems so annoying and tiresome. Once I finally got up and got into cleaning everything seemed to come much faster. After a while it actually became kind of fun. I shut myself in my room and cleaned everything. Sometimes i even found interesting things, like an old collection of clay dolls I made when I was little.
Once I had finished I felt very accomplished. I mean, cleaning a room is a pretty big deal!

My head felt much better, as if I had organized it instead of my room. Everything now had a place and I knew where that place was, felt good.

Cleaning my room is always the last thing on my list but now I know that as much of a hassle as it is- it does help. It cleans up your head and makes it easier to think. The amount of clutter in my room had affects how my head was, now that everything was organized in my room- everything seemed organized in my head as well. It also lets you think during the process of cleaning. I came up with lots of good ideas while cleaning- sadly I no longer remember them but at the time, they were very good.
Definitely will make cleaning my room a weekly event.

Thursday, November 18, 2010

Change of mind: Living forever

Never ending life always seems to be desirable, something that we want but can never reach.. Now people are saying that it possibly is not impossible.. maybe we can live forever.. so now we think. Would it work? Would we want to?
I always thought I would want my family and I to live forever. Never having to face the sad reality of losing those you love but now I keep thinking about it and it does not seem as appealing anymore.
I think that there is only so much that can be done in your life and that there is a point where you complete everything you wanted to and then pass. Having no choice to die, having to stay alive forever even after you completed what you wanted will get old. I would not want that to happen so therefore I would rather set the age I live to. Not eternal life, just as long as I need to complete what I wanted.

Another problem I thought about when thinking about eternal life was- where would we find all the space to sustain everyone? The population would only grow therefore meaning that we would need more supplies and more area to sustain everybody.
Eternal life seems as a good idea when just thinking about a couple of people; once you start looking at everybody who will want to live- you only see that soon enough there wont be much room for anyone, causing us to have to move to other planets.
I don't know the answer to the question "do you want to live forever" because there are reasons I want to and others that make me think I don't. Before life is eternal there need to be ground rules set up.

Friday, November 12, 2010

Captured Thought: Change is not possible

Recently I have been having trouble with my boyfriend... actually we broke up. So this made me think about men and if they are even capable of change. Through long processing and hours of thought I have decided that they are, but trying to change someone in high school, especially a boy, is crazy talk. It is impossible.
This is one of those "Now I get it!" moments. I spent hours sitting and wondering why things couldn't be perfect and now I realize why.
Even though they were tiny changes, I tried to change him in high school and when you think about that from the other person's point of view, it makes sense why they would get angered. Some random person comes into your life and thinks that they know how to run your life better than you do, obviously you are going to get angered because you think that you know yourself better than anyone.
My intentions were good, I only wanted things for the better but he was happy with his life even though he wasn't going anywhere with it.
Changes need to be subconscious. Like with a child. Children learn through watching their parent's behaviours; if their parents say please and thank you, then the child will put that into their subconscious and say those things as well, without even noticing.
You can't tell a person, do this or don't do this- you need to show them through action that doing this, pays off in the end. I showed him that doing your work and striving to do well does pay off in the end and he took that in and now does it for himself. Yet whenever I tried to tell him something, a wall was put up as if I was a parent trying to control him.
I've seen people change. My dad for example. Through years of being with my mom, he changed from being very impatient and bad tempered to having a very good temper and being very charitable. This happens through lots of time and effort and can not be done in one day.
In high school we try to do things as fast as possible, get things done so we can go out and play. Not all things in this world are like that and relationships are one of those things you can't fly through. A relationship needs time and energy but also needs space. Through the "I miss you" process, people start to listen to each other more and get closer to each other on a deeper level.

That right there was my "Now I get it!" moment, well, at least that was about 2% of it. :]

Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Connection: Sophie and kids today

In the novel Sophie's world, the author has two stories going on at the same time. One is the philosophy and just how philosophers developed, whereas the other story is of Sophie, a fourteen year old girl who is just learning about this all.
Sophie connects to us, she shows how blind we turn and how we reach a point in our lives where we can either lose all interest in the world, or go farther into trying to figure out what everything is about.
By having the second story of Sophie weave into the philosophy the author shows the relevance of philosophy to normal kids.
Most people think that philosophy is pointless and should just be left alone, "life is the way it is because it is this way" and that is how people like it. They do not want to spend their time trying to figure out why everything is the way it is.
By showing that even someone like us, Sophie, can have such a connected to something so "forgotten," shows us that maybe it is not as forgotten  as we thought.
By looking at teenagers today the author probably found out how he should make Sophie.
First she was very curious yet resilient as to why philosophy? And why all these stupid questions? But as she started to look into what the author kept sending her, she started to apply it to her life. Soon, philosophy was the first thing on her mind. This is how we work, show us something new, make us interested and it will be the main thing we think about!
Overall, Sophie makes the novel much more relatable to kids like us. She makes something we think is so far away from us, philosophy, seem relevant and relatable.