Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Lit. Circle Response #3

Thinking in Pictures: Life with Autism. Temple Grandin.
Meeting #3. 123-184.

In this section Grandin talks about the medication associated with autism. She talks about the new methods as well as the old. Afterwards she goes on to talk about autism and relationships and how autistic people see relationships in physical ways better than in mental ways. Then she goes into connecting with cows and how it helped her with her work; she was able to see things through the cows eyes and because of that she was able to accomplish more.

“One should not always be a watcher- the cold impersonal observer- but instead should participate” (Grandin, 153).

This is a quote from Temple; she talks about how autistic people often don't get involved but really should; people without autism are no different. There are always children that stay far away and just observe because they aren't courageous enough to participate. Children need to understand that they can not always be observers- they need to take part in things and become involved. Becoming involved is scary but it widens a person's horizons and lets one experience more than they ever could by just being an observer. Autistic children are often thought to be so different from normal children but they really aren't; they have the same problems that normal children do, like not fitting in and not being accepted, again as Temple says, one just has to step out and try something new and that problem is gone.

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