Sunday, March 6, 2011

Captured Thought: Post-modern art

I never understood why people enjoyed a dot on a white canvas and why that was called art. After spending weeks learning about modern vs. post-modern art I finally realized why people liked this art. It is the only next step.
Artists have already shown everything that is visibly seen; now they have to dig deeper and show what we can't see with our eyes. Because we can't see these things with our eyes, people have the freedom to explore any type of image. Someone's personality can be represented by a black canvas or by millions of crazy colored paint splatters. There is no limit on that which we can not see.
Modern art is hard to accept for me, but knowing where it comes from definitely helps. It opens up doors to things that are otherwise impossible to represent. A persons feelings, personality, anything really.
Some modern art seems very simple as well but when you dig into it: not everyone can come up with a certain way of arranging colors and making it represent a certain feeling or emotion.
I will stay loyal to super photorealistic art as my choice of favorite, but i definitely understand now why many like modern art; it opens up a door that was previously closed shut.


  1. I agree. When we first started studying modern art, and even before whenever I would just happen to notice some, I could never grasp the concept or come to terms by any means of appreciating it. I too, just didn't understand how a canvas painted one color red, or a single black dot on a white canvas, or any of a million random art pieces could be counted as art. I would always think to myself of how ridiculous and just plain stupid some of this art seemed. The fact that people paid thousands of dollars for something a drunken manatee could have done boggled my mind. I have since come to the basic realization that everyone can be creative, and everyone has the potential to create art, as long as they have the drive. As long as this drive is backed by any sort of emotion, whatever they create, no matter how simplistic, is art. What it comes down to is that it doesn’t matter how many times someone has uttered the words, “I could have done that” towards a work of art; because the fact is, they didn’t.

  2. I definitely am right with you on this one. I used to wonder why people would pay so much money for these simple pictures, and appreciate them so much. After learning about modern art, i completely found that these pieces are based off of our interpretation.

  3. i completely agree with you. i really didnt understand why people thought certain things were art when to me they looked like an accident or far to simple to be down by any self respecting artist but then as we study further into modern art it does make more sense because on the inside i dont think are emotions are as complicated as they seem. some emotions are best described by a simple black line because somehow that is how they feel. its no longer about how we percephy things visually but how they feel to use. like cubism, our modern emotions and life feels disconnected and strange which is what modern is showing us. ourselvves
