Sunday, September 26, 2010

Metacognition: QE Essay

Throughout all of the essays I have written I have always noticed that I write better when it's in one sitting. I get all of my thought out right away and then edit them later. Most times I don't even need to edit. The thoughts are down the way they're supposed to, only thing is that I forget spelling and grammar.

Spelling and Grammar have always been my mistakes. When writing free hand- I am very good at spelling; when it comes to computers, the keys get all jumbled up and I forget to fix typing mistakes.

Another mistake that comes with typing in one sitting is awkward grammar. When continuously typing I start to just put down my thoughts, which are often jumbled and weirdly written. That is why, I can understand them yet others can not.

I've always been amazed with being able to write well with out trying. English is not my first language yet for some strange reason, it flows well for me. I am able to write down what I am thinking in interesting ways and make them memorable. Another thing I've been gifted with is writing titles!  Titles have always been my favorite, being able to catch people by just a few words always intrigued me to write better titles. Hopefully you will see some of them throughout this year!

Sunday, September 19, 2010

Best of Week: Emotion

At the end of the week this week, our class talked more about creativity and what guide lines help in creating the best thing we can. One of the biggest things that struck me was something I had already known but needed to be told. I always knew in the back of my head that Emotion was a very big factor in making people interested in your work, but being told this made things a lot clearer.

Emotion appeals to everyone. Creating something with feeling makes people look at your work closer and actually relate to it. Playing with people's emotions makes them think about your work even after they are done looking at it. When art of any kind is made just because then people don't stop and think. They pass it by just like any other thing.

In the article "The Sea of information" the author talked about  research not being enough to catch peoples attention. I always think of art as painting or drawing but in this situation, the art of writing is the best thing to compare to. We learned this week about college essays and how to write them. Research about yourself is not enough for the college admins to look at your essay and remember it. That is why we need to involve emotion in our writing. Make it memorable to only us because no one sees or feels a certain situation just like you.

Everyone is different yet everyone has emotions, no matter which emotion a person triggers with their art, it will be a lot more memorable than just a long line of information.

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Connection: Farnsworth and AP Art Hearts of Glenview

This week in AP Art we were given an assignment, make a heart for Hearts of Glenview. We were all supposed to work together and make two sides of the heart. Right away there were people who took the leadership role and tried to boss others around. We saw how hard it was for a group of people to work on a single project together, all mutually adding to the final product.

There was one person from our group who tried to take the main leadership role. She came up with the idea and told us where each of us was going to draw. Even though every person contributed to the idea and the placement of the drawings- she wanted full credit.

This reminds me of Farnsworth. He was the first to make a television camera yet wanted full credit for the invention of television. He did not understand that many people were involved in this invention and that his addition to it was only the beginning. Not getting his full credit- he died down and started to destroy himself instead of finally collaborating with the rest of the inventors; thankfully, our "Farnsworth" decided to join us. She figured out that we were all working on this project and stuck to doing just her part.

We see this type of behavior very often with projects in and out of school. Most class projects involve a main leader and people who sit back and watch the project develop. The leaders tend to want most credit, if not all, because they started off the process. Things don't work this way. A group is a group and each person gets recognition, no matter how small their contribution was.

The article about Farnsworth definitely shone a different light on how I look at these leaders. I never understood how they thought and why it was that they wanted full credit for only doing a part of the work. I am a leader at times and seeing now from my Art friend and this article, how people look at the people who want full credit for a group work- I will be more careful about my reaction to the product. I'll try to give each person their recognition and not hog the credit.

Hearts of Glenview Examples

Thursday, September 9, 2010

What if: Everyone was Thrilled by everything?

Mr. Allen always talks about being thrilled by things. Most people pass by paintings and literature as of having no importance- What if everyone stopped and took the time to actually appreciate the creativity people let out into this world?
If everyone took the time out to look at art, then our world would be surrounded by it, every corner would be covered in some kind of art. Mr. Allen talked about taking out the time to look at different types of art. This way even someone who isn't a creative mind can find something for them selves. Every person is able to find an art that applies to them. Some prefer abstract paintings while others prefer poems.
People who reach a mid life crisis at thirty with their house, family, and piles of money get bored and start to go insane trying to find something to fill their life with. If they turned to creativity and spent their time finding the right art for them- they could find something that thrills them and fill their life with that.

For me, I found art much earlier than 30, I focus on realistic portraiture and have been finding more and more artists that thrill me. Every artist I find brings something different to the table. The same portraits drawn by different artists are all very different and thrilling. I only wish others could find some type of art that thrills them, as I did.

I think that in a perfect society, each person would have their own preferred form of art. There would be no white walls and empty rooms. Every person would fill their place of living with what they like. Literature would be much more popular and paintings would be bought and sold all over.
I can only hope for something like this to happen soon, but the only way this can happen is if people finally open up their minds to new things. I hope that Humanities this year, will do that for the 2 or so classes of students that take part in it.